The above saying from Srimad Bhagavadgeetha sums up the vision which we strive for at Achala Viidyanikethan.
The Guru Shishya Parampara as potryed in Indian Culture to the current Macualry system has undergone tremendous change. Today’s system is a metaphor of our mass industries which are efficiently streamlined as mass mark oriented factories. Here’s where Achala Vidyanikethan tries to be different. “Education as a means of knowledge and knowledge as means of Wisdom” the vision of Dr. C. Seetharamaiah is what we strive for.
Achala Vidya Nikethan treads the path of which allows diversity to flourish, its values ,the spirit of enquiry and the assimilation of oneself with the universe and still retaing his identity. Achala Vidya Nikethan strives to incorporate all these along with the regular syllabi.
Achala Vidya Nikethan (AVN) employs various ways, regular prayer and bajan session, compulsory music and karate class, regular sessions by experts from varied background and the aura of Achala Ashram, within the campus. Events of national significance and celebration of festivals are a regular affair invoked to strengthen the spirit of India.